The combined forces of acclaimed producers Nitti Gritti and Party Favor make up the eclectic electronic duo known as SIDEPIECE. As individuals, collaborations with the likes of Cardi B, Bad Bunny, Pitbull, Gucci Mane, and Dillon Francis have already brought individual notoriety. But together, SIDEPIECE has managed to play some of the biggest festivals in the US with infectious energy (Lollapalooza, EDC, HARD Summer, Bonnaroo) while consistently releasing contemporary House classics like the platinum selling, and Grammy-nominated Diplo-collab ‘On My Mind’. In little over three years, SIDEPIECE has become one of the most rapidly sought-after acts in the industry and now descends on Detroit’s Russell Industrial Center with their own Kiss & Tell: Second Bass Tour Tour on February 4, 2023. Through effortless genre mixing, yet rooted in the duo’s trap and bass footholds, Kiss & Tell: Second Bass Tour has been the perfect showcase of the overall SIDEPIECE experience—unpredictable, dynamic, and always hard to define.
Setting up the vibe is Kyle Walker. He is a name that is quickly gaining recognition in the house music world. His first break in the music industry came in 2016 when he won Insomniac’s Discovery Project by submitting a mix and his original track “Claude von Deeper”. Since then, there’s been no shortage of Kyle Walker releases, with originals like “Dark Room Perfume” and remixes of popular tunes like Malaa’s “Notorious” racking up hundreds of thousands of plays on SoundCloud.
Additional support by Detroit’s own Dantiez!