This is the first of a 3-show mini-series that showcases local DJs who specialize in Ghettotech, Electro and Drum N Bass. It goes from 730pm till midnight at 734 Brewing Company in Depot-town Ypsilanti, MI on Saturday Sep 14th, 2024. We are asking for donations to compensate for the artists time and talent, and we’re happy to say there are no stairs barriers at this venue.
For the Ghettotech portion of tonight we have the DJ Roxxx (730-9pm; who played a GREAT ghettotech set at Fallout Shelter Aug22), for the Electro set we have the colorful Ypsilanti Mystery Pooper (9-1030pm), and for the Drum and Bass session we have Wax King legend of the Pink a Dot Room fame, Ti or Ted (1030pm-12).