Live hip hop and EDM performances from Lansings local music scene in a smoke friendly venue.
$5 @ the door
BYOB w/ ID 21+
5-6 DJ Chirish734
6-6:10 Mo Vatalii
6:10-6:20 Au$teelo
6:25-6:40 Justin Johnson
7- 8 Surge
8-8:15 Yokai Nightclub
8:15-8:30 TheeMittenPrincess
8:30-8:45 Steezah
9-10 DatGuyBlue
10-10:15 CJ McClendon
10:15-10:45 ICKYDUMBOI
10:45-11:15 Prxfessor 7
hosted by :CJMcClendon & ICKYDUMBOi
support local artists